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Strawberry Plants For Sale

There isn't much that can top the taste of a fresh home grown strawberry. Here at Moore Berries we have a brilliant range of strawberry plants all grown by us in the UK. We have bare root plants perfect for everything from growing in hanging baskets to planting straight in your allotment to give you fruit from early summer and into the season. We also have lots of advice to help you grow more fruit. Our strawberry varieties will help you produce more fruit all summer long.

    Bare Root Strawberries

    Here at Moore Berries UK we grow all of our own bare root strawberry plants in Norfolk. Our strawberries are walked twice per year by DEFRA to certify them as disease and pest free. This means that when you buy from us you can ensure you are getting the best quality for your money. Our strawberry plants will be delivered as 1 newly established strawberry runners with a crown and root. They will produce a small amount of fruit in there first growing season while they become established then full crops in year 2 and 3. This means we can help you grow strawberry plants in a cost effective way and allow you to save money compared to supermarket prices.  
    Our range of strawberries will suit everyone from a small garden grower to a large allotment holder. We have fruit plants suited to being grown in pots and plants that produce perfect berries for making jam. So what ever your buying your soft fruit plants for you can be sure they will be suited for your needs.  
    When you buy bare root plants from us they are supplied as fresh dug bare root plants unless stated otherwise. This means they are lifted while dormant and sent straight from the field to you with their roots bare ready to plant into the ground or a pot.

    Our bare root strawberries are lifted between October and mid April. This is the perfect time to plant them both outside and in pots as it gives the time to settle in ready for the spring to encourage growth. We recommend not letting your pot planted strawberries become frozen outside as the roots can become damaged. If planted in the ground coverings can be used but strawberry plants are hardy and will not be effected too much. 

    When you first plant your strawberries they will need a small amount of water to help them to become established. Once they have started growing they will need keeping damp in pot grown but if they are straight in the soil they should not need much water unless the weather is particularly dry. Once close to fruiting they may need extra water to help. To help get more fruit from your strawberries we recommend using a fertiliser aimed at tomatoes as this will contain the correct nutrients to encourage fruit growth. We also recommend removing runners from the plant this will encourage both extra fruit growth as well as plant growth meaning a stronger plant and more fruit in the following year. 

    For complete guides on how to look after strawberry plants look at either out plant page or blogs about strawberries. 

    We commercially sell strawberries plant through our parent company T.J.Moore. please visit their site for commercial orders.

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