Strawberries are the biggest part of our business, commercially there are 18 varieties available and for everyday consumers we have handpicked 6 varieties. These vary in when they start fruiting, how long they produce for, how much crop to expect and what properties the strawberry has. All this information can be found on each product description.
Our strawberries are grown by us in mid Norfolk. Almost all the weeding in done by hand, as is most of the work!
We know all too well that home grown strawberries taste the best and we want you to experience this as well.
How to grow strawberries
You will receive your bare root strawberry plants between autumn and spring when they are dormant. It is best to plant these in the area you want them to produce their fruit. A sunny position in well manured, free draining soil.
If growing in the ground - They want to be in rows spaced every 45cm and 75cm apart. However they can be planted in hanging baskets or patio planters.
The crown of the plant should be at surface level, securing the soil around the roots and removing any air pockets. Water well and mulch can be added around the crown to protect roots from cold weather.
If the weather doesn't allow for planting immediately then you need to put into a pot of compost covering the roots (known as 'heeling in'). Once able plant into the area you want the plant to grow. New growth will appear in spring.
At the end of spring you should start watering the plants frequently and throughout the season as well as weeding in between the rows. If growing in baskets or planters you will need to feed them too.
Things to consider:
Remove any runners so the plant can produce more fruit
Use straw around the plant to protect the fruit from slugs and snails
Use a net over the plant to protect the fruit from birds.
Remove straw or netting after harvesting the fruit to allow for airflow.
Mulch the plants to protect, retain water and provide nutrients.