We have a red, white and black currants available, with a variety of options for each colour. These enable the buyer to buy the variety that will best meet their desires. These vary from when they start fruiting, how long they produce for, how much crop to expect and what properties the currant has. All this information can be found on each product description. Our currant bushes are usually 2 years old this means they have an establish root system to give them the best start.
How to grow currants
You will receive your bare root currant plants between autumn and spring when they are dormant. It is best to plant these in the area you want them to produce their fruit. A sunny or semi-shade position in well manured, free draining soil.
They want to be spaced at 1.5m apart. The plant should be set into a hole big enough to lay out the roots.
Black currants - Cover the plant with soil 5cm deeper than it was in the nursery field (there should be a soil line at the base of the stem). This encourages extra stems to grow below surface level.
Red and white currants – Plant in the soil at the same level as it was in the nursery field.
Pressing down the soil to remove any air pockets. Water well and mulch can be added around the base to protect roots from cold weather.
If the weather does not allow for planting immediately then you need to put into a pot of compost covering the plant to the soil level it was at when in the nursery field (known as 'heeling in'). Once able plant into the area you want the plant to grow follow instructions above. New growth will appear in spring.
Once planted in the area you want it to fruit
Black currants - trim the plant back to 2 buds above ground level.
Red and white currants – cut back the main branches by half.
This allows it to have sturdy growth to support the fruit. Water the plants regularly during dry periods, especially when producing fruit.
Prune the plant in winter by removing any dead, damaged or weak stems in the first year. In following years do the same and half the remaining stems. Focus next on creating an upright open bush shape and in spring new shoots will appear.
Things to consider:​
Protect from cold winds and late spring frosts
Use a net over the plant to protect the fruit from birds.
Remove netting after harvesting the fruit to allow for airflow.
Mulch the plants to protect, retain water and provide nutrients.